南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 高鹏飞)10月11日,我校植物科学技术学院王旭彤教授课题组在国际学术期刊Briefings in Bioinformatics在线发表题为最新研究成果。该研究基于卷积神经网络融合CA注意力机制开发出了作物表型预测模型SoyDNGP,并将其应用于大豆性状预测中,与DNNGP、DeepGS等经典预测模型相比,其性能具有明显提升。团队基于该模型搭建了大豆表型预测网站,为该领域研究团队提供免费、开放的预测服务(http://xtlab.hzau.edu.cn/SoyDNGP),为便于各团队自主构建、改进模型算法,得到更加适用的预测模型,团队同时开发出便捷高效的PyPI软件包SoyDNGPNext,为基于基因变异的作物表型预测的相关研究提供了新工具、新方法。
该项目已获得国家重点研发计划《主要农作物多基因高效聚合技术》(2022YFD1201502) 的经费支持,并由王旭彤教授课题组负责《复杂性状全基因组选择新方法开发》子项目,致力于大豆全基因组选择模型的开发和应用。SoyDNGP模型以其出色的全基因组预测能力,在23个大豆性状的选择模型中实现了高准确度的表型预测,为早期种质资源的快速筛选和种质改良提供了强大的技术支持。同时,将模型应用于杂交双亲的配种后代表型预测,能为育种家筛选提供指导,从而提高目标亲本选择的效率和准确性。
Soybean is a globally significant crop, playing a vital role in human nutrition and agriculture. Its complex genetic structure and wide trait variation, however, pose challenges for breeders and researchers aiming to optimize its yield and quality. Addressing this biological complexity requires innovative and accurate tools for trait prediction. In response to this challenge, we have developed SoyDNGP, a deep learning-based model that offers significant advancements in the field of soybean trait prediction. Compared to existing methods, such as DeepGS and DNNGP, SoyDNGP boasts a distinct advantage due to its minimal increase in parameter volume and superior predictive accuracy. Through rigorous performance comparison, including prediction accuracy and model complexity, SoyDNGP represents improved performance to its counterparts. Furthermore, it effectively predicted complex traits with remarkable precision, demonstrating robust performance across different sample sizes and trait complexities. We also tested the versatility of SoyDNGP across multiple crop species, including cotton, maize, rice and tomato. Our results showed its consistent and comparable performance, emphasizing SoyDNGP’s potential as a versatile tool for genomic prediction across a broad range of crops. To enhance its accessibility to users without extensive programming experience, we designed a user-friendly web server, available at http://xtlab. hzau.edu.cn/SoyDNGP. The server provides two features: ’Trait Lookup’, offering users the ability to access pre-existing trait predictions for over 500 soybean accessions, and ’Trait Prediction’, allowing for the upload of VCF files for trait estimation. By providing a highperforming, accessible tool for trait prediction, SoyDNGP opens up new possibilities in the quest for optimized soybean breeding.